Payment Methods Available:
Online Payment With Paypal (Master and Visa credit card payment can be done using Paypal)
1.Checkout and comfirm order.
2.Select online payment with Paypal.
3.Click place order.
4.Page will automatic direct to Paypal online payment page.
5.Payment done and you will received an order confirmation receipt.
Direct Bank Transfer /ATM Cash Deposit
1.Checkout and comfirm order.
2.Select bank transfer/ATM cash deposit
3.Click place order.
4.Make payment with online banking or ATM
5.Send us a receipt, and we will confirmed your order via sms/email
Bank Detail
RHB Bank 2-08221-0002295-2 Tteen Gift Enterprise
Cash On Delivery (Only available for customer with local delivery/local pick up method) Sungai Siput (U) Area
1.Checkout and comfirm order.
2.Select Cash On Delivery
3.Click place order.
4.Our support team will contact with you.
5. Pay with cash upon delivery.